
Junttan 45 years
Help Desk & Spare Parts Portal Suppliers

Junttan B.V. Greetings


First, we would like to thank you all who visited us at the opening party of our new facility in Nieuwegein, Netherlands. The event was successful, it gathered a great number of people and the weather was wonderful. We had a great pleasure seeing and talking with so many Junttan friends. Several customers have already started to use our new facility for extensive service work, and we look forward to continuing our great relationship with all of you!

The market development of Junttan B.V. has also continued well, despite the unpleasant geopolitical situation we are all facing. We have welcomed new customers in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France while raising the (service) bar for our loyal Dutch customer base.

Furthermore, we have extended our team with Maria Kooy, who has over 25 years of experience when it comes to service order processing and finance. Even though she will not physically be servicing the rigs, she will definitely help to improve our service level.

Finally, our rental fleet has been performing very well consisting of PMx20, PM25H and PM20LC pile driving rigs. By renting piling equipment, you avoid the excessive investment burden and maintenance costs while also saving time. Besides rental, Junttan B.V. has also been able to find the right machines for the customers from our new and pre-owned equipment selection.

In any inquiries, please contact our Junttan Netherlands team.

Michiel van Es
Sales Director
+31 (0) 657 698 002

Arie Vernooij
Operational Manager
+31 (0) 616 095 752

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