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Deep Impact De-Acceleration TestingAsk for a quote

For a deeper impact in your project

Junttan’s deep foundation analysis can be used not only for piling projects. Our dynamic load testing equipment can also be used for deep impact testing.

In deep impact, or compaction testing, the soil is being compacted through a mechanical force. That force can be either a vibrator plate, a hydraulic hammer or a weight which is being dropped from several meters height.

The effect of the compaction is limited by the soil conditions and equipment used. By using our service you gain information about the effectiveness of the compaction in the prevailing conditions. Our technology measures the de-acceleration on impact, allows us to analyze changes in the soil conditions.



Precise measurement of settlement

No weight limitation

Possible for all soil conditions

Junttan Deep Impact De-acceleration testing

By collecting measurement data on soil compaction, the work cycle can be improved greatly. The enhancement brings significant improvements to the cost-effectiveness of the project, if it can be determined based on the measurements together with the project designer that the soil is sufficiently compacted with a smaller amount of weight drops.

Junttan’s deep impact de-acceleration test can be done with a rapid schedule by a professional measurement specialist.

If the measurements are conducted remotely, Junttan’s measurement specialists will train the site personnel in the correct installation and use of the equipment.

More information and inquiries:

Teemu Repo, Leading Specialist
tel. +358 50 438 7200
email. teemu.repo [at] junttan.com

Sami Kirsilä, Head of DFA Services
tel. +358 40 087 1482
email. sami.kirsila [at] junttan.com

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