
Junttan 45 years
Help Desk & Spare Parts Portal Suppliers

New web pages for all the Junttan frontline companies


New web pages for all the five Junttan frontline companies have now been released!  The pages can be found on the junttan.com -site under the Contact Us -navigation.

Now you can easily find the right contact persons and local technical support phone numbers, as well as, which products and services each our local company offers.

Welcome to check out:

Junttan APAC/Junttan Pty: junttan.com/apac
Junttan Canada: junttan.com/canada
Junttan Central Europe/Junttan BV: junttan.com/centraleurope (NEDERLANDS)
Junttan Scandinavia/Junttan AB: junttan.com/scandinavia (SVENSKA)
Junttan USA: junttan.com/usa



Contact Us

How can we help you?

  • Technical & manual requests, for faster help, please contact Junttan Service Desk
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