
Junttan 45 years
Help Desk & Spare Parts Portal Suppliers

Junttan USA Greetings


The year 2020 has brought many new challenges but we have forged forward and continue our plans for expansion and growth. We secured a facility in Florida that will give us plenty of room for equipment, parts and service related activities to support the market. We also grew our facility in Laurel with the addition of an acre of land. In our short 3 years of business, we are now 8 employees strong and plans for further growth in 2021 are in the works.

We thank our loyal customers who continue to ring our phones, ping our emails and support our company throughout the year! Especially during the pandemic! We wake up each day asking ourselves, which clients we can support, but we realize it’s the support from our clients that means the most to us.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. God bless!

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How can we help you?

  • Technical & manual requests, for faster help, please contact Junttan Service Desk
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