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KFS Finland using the Junttan Measurement System with Trimble Groundworks Technology


Junttan, in cooperation with Sitech Finland, installed a measurement system upgrade and Trimble Groundworks pile positioning technology onto KFS Finland Oy’s PM25H pile driving rig. Junttan’s measuring device, which includes energy and depth measurement, automatically monitors the pile installation process and provides detailed pile reports, including position data from Groundworks. Pile reports can be printed via Junttan Life Online. Trimble Groundworks eliminates the need for surveyor marks during pile placement on construction sites.

Simo Koskinen, Equipment Manager, KFS Finland Oy, expresses his satisfaction:

“We decided to get the measurement upgrade for a couple of reasons. First, we will receive an even more informative report on piling in the future, which we will also be able to show the customer. Secondly, the “digital leap”; long-considered transition into utilizing machine control in pile driving as we do in other working methods we offer. Our first experiences at the construction site have been positive overall. There is no longer a need to wait for a surveyor because the pile locations are visible on the screen. This was also beneficial at the first construction site, where the marked points on the ground moved as the work progressed. We only need to update the positioning of the antennas, and then we are good to go.”

For more information about the measurement system upgrade and Trimble Groundworks pile positioning technology, please contact your local Junttan representative or Karoliina Kinnunen, karoliina.kinnunen [at] junttan.com.

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