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Junttan spare part and service container ensures productivity at the Metsä Group’s new bioproduct mill project in Kemi


Service and maintenance of deep foundation equipment is challenging on large and long-term construction sites. Remote locations, tight schedules, material logistics, and site conditions bring challenges that need to be considered. Junttan provides a solution for this – Junttan on-site service and spare part containers, equipped with tools and critical parts, improve contractors’ work efficiency and overall productivity at these kind of large projects. These highly efficient and mobile 20”-container-based worksites provide all the technology, equipment and inventory needed for the most common maintenance and repair procedures. In addition, the solution can contain on-call field service engineer to further decrease the downtime of the fleet.

At the moment, Metsä Group builds a new bioproduct mill in Kemi, Finland which will be one of the biggest bioproduct mills in Europe. At this large project four Finnish piling contractors with their Junttans are piling the foundations of the bioproduct mill, and up to 12 Junttan piling rigs have been on the site simultaneously. Northern location, cold and windy weather, tight schedules at each stage of the project and strict regulations make the project challenging. Thanks to a Junttan spare part and service container on-site, piling companies are able to maximize the uptime and minimize the downtime, as the on-call service and spare parts are available on the site at a few minutes’ notice.

According to Metsä Fibre press release, the value of Kemi’s bioproduct mill investment is EUR 1.6 billion and it is the largest investment ever made by the Finnish forest industry in Finland. The construction phase will take approximately two and a half years, and the mill will be completed during the third quarter of 2023. Read the full press release.

For more information on Junttan spare parts and service containers contact us parts@junttan.com


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