
Junttan 45 years
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Junttan – 45 Years of Excellence


This year, 2021, marks the 45th anniversary of Junttan Oy. During the last 4 decades, a lot has happened…

What remarkable things took place in 1976?

  • Apple Computer Company was founded,
  • Concorde made its first commercial flight,
  • NASA unveiled the first space shuttle, the Enterprise,
  • Ebola was recorded as the world’s first virus epidemic,
  • Classic film Rocky was released,
  • Bay City Rollers, Queen and ABBA were among the most successful hit lists,
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest won the Oscar award for the best picture or the year,
  • McDonald’s Big Mac cost 75 cents in the US,
    among others.

But the most remarkable thing, of course, was that…

Junttan was founded!

Junttan has grown from a small local contracting business into global piling specialist. To give you new insight into life behind a piling professional, we have launched the Junttan Piling Blog.  Junttan Piling Blog opens up reasons that have led us into our ways of designing equipment and developing them during the decades.

Let the Junttan Piling Blog be another chapter of the Junttan World to mark the celebration of 45-year-old Junttan. This way we can celebrate our anniversary year together – with all of you, wherever you are.

Read our very first Junttan Piling Blog post HERE.

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  • Technical & manual requests, for faster help, please contact Junttan Service Desk
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