
Junttan 45 years
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CPDE Greetings from Canada


This past year has been exciting for Canadian Pile Driving Equipment (CPDE), Junttan’s Canadian local company.

In September of 2020 we hired Nicolas Tremblay to represent Eastern Canada. Then in January of this year, we were fortunate enough to hire Pierre-Luc Bilodeau as our field technician, both of those guys have been doing a great job representing us in that market. Nicolas sold a PM16 piling rig to Preco MSE in January of 2021 and this past month we finalized the sale of our HHK16S piling hammer to Clough Pacific JV for a project at Kitimat LNG.

We are also having success with installing PTC vibros on our PMx28 and PM25 piling rigs for sheet pile projects and soon we will have the components to install a vibe on our own PM23.

Last month we sold the first ExcaDrill (ED51A) into the Vancouver BC market, although it is still in the install stage the customer has been very happy with some of the tests they have done, they are expecting to buy as many as 5 this year.

In all our outlook is strong and as the world opens up, we are excited to accept the challenges of supporting our customers.

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