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Junttan PM26 DTH piling rig at the Tampereen Kansi Project


KFS Finland has completed piling in Tampere city center, at the unique project called Tampereen Kansi (Tampere Cover). “The Cover” will be built above the railway tracks, which will house a multi-purpose arena with office and commercial premises, apartments, a hotel and courtyard spaces. The total volume of the project is 110,000 m2 and over 500 million euros.

KFS installed OD 600mm-800mm drilled piles – total amount of 320. Average length of the piles were over 30 meters. For the project they used a Junttan PM26 DTH piling rig. This was a challenging work surrounding as drilling was done close to operational railway tracks.

More information: sales [at] junttan.com
Project website: https://www.kansiareena.fi/
More information on PM26 multipurpose piling and drilling rig here.

Photo credit (above): Hannes Pirchner


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