This information helps you to understand the Junttan warranty claim process to ensure excellent service quality and fast actions when needed.
Machine fault
If you are facing a problem with your Junttan equipment contact as soon as possible nearest Junttan representative. Notice of a defect must be done within 30 days of appearance, refer general terms of sale and warranty.
First point of contact
Contact you nearest Junttan representative to start the process. Nearest presentative can be found at: Contac Us -page by choosing your region on the map. Remember to inform your representative when you have a claim. When you order parts or service, this will be first invoiced normally, however when the invoice will be credited according the resolution.
Warranty claim form
Warranty claim can be done HERE.
Warranty claim process
A warranty claim will be normally handled in 30 days. To make the process as smooth as possible please fill in the form with care and include as much information from the fault. Include pictures of the faulty parts and describe the circumstances that were present before the fault. The more detailed the description is the faster the process will be. If additional information to make a resolution this will be informed to you.
Warranty decision
Warranty process can lead three resolutions: Accepted, accepted partially, declined.