
Junttan 45 years
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Greetings from Junttan USA


Greetings from the USA! 2022 brought many new and exciting firsts for Junttan USA. We are proud to announce we did business with 19 new clients and our partnerships have ranged from rig sales to rentals and service initiatives. With this great feat, we have delivered equipment from Guam to Vermont and even had some equipment working in Kent, Washington along the way. The great part of our year was seeing the many dedicated existing clients, continue to support us. We are thankful for this continued support.

We also delivered the very first XCMG XC150-F rotary drill rig to Richard Goettle Inc., of Cincinnati. This massive drill rig is designed for large-diameter caissons and CFA work. Maximum torque is 450 kNm and total operating weight is 150 tons. This is the largest drill rig XCMG has delivered on US soil. Stay tuned for updates on the performance and job site stories.

North America has seen a major influx of drilled and driven foundation projects and we expect the trend to continue into 2023.

We wish our new and existing clients much success and prosperity in the new year!

Ps. You can sign up for the Junttan USA newsletter HERE

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