
Junttan 45 years
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Junttan PMx28 on the Job at the I-5 Port of Tacoma Project

Subsurface Construction, LLC renting a Junttan PMx28 from Hammer & Steel for the I-5 Port of Tacoma project. Subsurface is...

13.12.2018 News


Junttan PMx27 Piling Sheet Piles at the Nikolinehus Project in Denmark

Danish company, Hercules Fundering, are building the foundations for the Nicolinehus project in Aarhus, Denmark. For driving sheet piles into...

13.12.2018 News


Skanska Finland’s New Junttan PMx22

One of our Christmas shipments, a new Junttan PMx22, left this morning from the Junttan factory to Skanska Finland. Enjoy...

12.12.2018 News


Greetings from bauma CONEXPO INDIA 2018

Greetings from bauma CONEXPO INDIA, and welcome to meet our Junttan piling equipment and ExcaDrill experts at Hall 2, booth...

11.12.2018 News


Junttan PM25H Piling Steel PiPe Piles at the I-4 Ultimate Improvement Project

Beautiful pictures from on going I-4 Ultimate Improvement Project, Orlando Florida, where SGL Constructors is now piling 24” (61 cm)...

10.12.2018 News


Savonia Students visiting Junttan Factory

We were pleased to have first year mechanical engineering students from Savonia University of Applied Sciences visiting the Junttan Factory....

5.12.2018 News


Junttan mukana Joulupuu-keräyksessä

Junttan on mukana tänä vuonna Joulupuu-keräyksessä! Joulupuu-keräys on järjestetty ensimmäisen kerran Suomessa vuonna 2000 ja nyt vuonna 2018 keräys järjestetään...

1.12.2018 News


Comissioning Junttan PMx28 at Verhoef

What a stunning photo again of a Junttan rig! Our service technicians were comissioning a new Junttan PMx28 pile driver...

30.11.2018 News

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