
Junttan 45 years
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News from Junttan USA

After a long 2021, Junttan USA has begun to see the foundation construction market finally picking up in the US....

29.3.2022 News


First six electric months

The first eJunttan PMx2e was launched and commissioned in Sweden in October 2021, being the world’s first fully battery-powered pile...

22.3.2022 News


Junttan ja paalumittaukset vuonna 2022

Tervehdys, Vuosi 2022 Junttanilla on lähtenyt käyntiin vauhdikkaasti ja olemme jatkaneet toimintamme ja palvelujemme kehittämistä. Tämän vuoden yhtenä tavoitteena onkin...

18.3.2022 News


Junttan defers all business activities to Russia and Belarus

Due to the extremely serious situation in Ukraine, Junttan Board has decided on March 7 that Junttan will defer all...

8.3.2022 News


Rohkea kolmikko vei apua Ukrainaan

Junttanin, junttanilaisten ja sen omistajien toimintaa ohjaavat vahva arvot ja niiden eteen teemme työtä eri tavoin. Ja vain toiminta ja...

1.3.2022 News


Model-based construction development with Destia

Destia a Colas Company representatives, Mika Jaakkola, Marko Virtanen and Rauli Tuominen, were visiting the Junttan factory and presented their...

25.2.2022 News


Excellent feedback from the e-Junttan operator

Have you been wondering what’s the fully battery powered Junttan would  feel like driving? Or how long the battery unit...

23.2.2022 News


Sustainability and the electric Junttan machine is valued with SEFAB

It’s great to share the value of sustainability with SEFAB and Aarsleff! Read below SEFAB’s post about how proud they...

23.2.2022 News

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How can we help you?

  • Technical & manual requests, for faster help, please contact Junttan Service Desk
  • Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.