Junttan Pty Ltd – Your partner in Asia Pacific

Junttan Pty, Junttan’s wholly-owned frontline company in the Asia Pacific, located in Sydney, Australia. Established in 2019, after great success in the region through dealerships, Junttan is well placed to support and enhance their current and future customers in the region, and all their piling needs.

At your service

The Junttan Pty team is very experienced in the construction industry, plus has the backing of the Junttan head office in Finland, for all technical support, parts and service needs for all Junttan equipment in the Asia Pacific region.

  • SALES – Junttan, ExcaDrill

CONTACT US | arteen.mosad@junttan.com

Junttan Pty offers all Junttan equipment to customers through the Australian sales, service, spare parts, rentals, and training with its dedicated Junttan trained people. Junttan has been the leader in fully hydraulic pile driving rigs for over 45 years and has proven itself in over 40 countries around the world. Junttan developed the original concept of a fully hydraulic, purpose-built pile driving rig in 1979. This was an innovation that revolutionized the entire pile driving industry. With high productivity, ease of mobility, exceptional stability, increased operator safety, and the ability to reduce environmental impact, Junttan piling equipment has raised the standard to another level.

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