Junttan’s crosshole sonic logging (CSL) is a safe and fast way to test the integrity of your piles. Two probes are being lowered through pre-installed tubes to the pile and analyse the pile’s integrity.
Similar to pile echo testing. CSL is using sonic waves to determine the foundations integrity. However it is more accurate and can find defect and inclusions in the pile.
Drilled piles can contain different integrity issues being caused by either wrong casing installation or the handling of the concrete. Therefor it is important to test the integrity of those piles. Due to the rough structure of the drilled piles a PET test might not give a sufficient result caused by the reflections of the pile surface. CSL however, is a technique that is measuring the inside of the pile and is therefor not affected as strongly by the shape of the pile.
Quick and cheap
Detect defects
Usable for all prepared piles
With crosshole sonic logging, two metal tubes are being pre-installed to the drill shaft. After the concrete is poured the tubes will be filled with water, which will serve as a medium for the sonic waves.
One probe serves as a sender, the other one serves as a receiver. The probes will be raised simultaneously through the tubes, constantly recording the time in which the sonic waves travel through the piles.
A lower response time or a cut of the signal are strong indicators that a defect in the pile is found.
For big diameter bore piles more than two probes can be used, test the integrity of the pile.
Contact us to find out more about our service and how to get started.